Florida Property Insurers – Financial Stability Ratings® Update
Columbus, Ohio, March 28, 2018: Demotech, Inc. currently assigns Financial Stability Ratings® (FSRs) to 410 risk bearing entities across the country. For each of these entities, Demotech reviews the quarterly and annual financial statements that are prepared and submitted.
Demotech has completed the initial review for all companies that have submitted year-end 2017 annual statutory financial statements. A few companies have been granted an extension from their state Department of Insurance or have a statement filing due date of March 31st. Although Demotech is in communication with some companies to clarify their published results, more than 90 percent of the companies have already been affirmed. Current FSRs are available at www.demotech.com.
A subset of the 410 rated entities focus their writings on the property market in Florida. These 56 companies have been reviewed and affirmed as appropriate. Demotech has prepared an extended commentary regarding the Florida property marketplace along with the rating status for each of these companies. For the full update, click here.
Demotech will continue to monitor company financial statements, reinsurance programs, statements of actuarial opinions, audits, and any other relevant documents as needed. Demotech will post updated FSRs and affirmation dates as necessary to www.demotech.com.