Demotech Affirms the Financial Stability Rating® Assigned to Colorado Special Districts Property and Liability Pool

Columbus, Ohio, November 5, 2020: For the fourth consecutive year, Colorado Special Districts Property and Liability Pool has earned a Financial Stability Rating® (FSR) of AAA, Unsurpassed, the highest FSR assigned to public entity insurance pools. Demotech assigns this level of FSR to public entity pools possessing unsurpassed financial stability, demonstrated by the liquidity of invested assets, acceptable level of financial leverage, realistic pricing, reasonable loss and loss adjustment expense reserves, high quality reinsurance, a meaningful level of surplus and a strategy to control insurance costs through enterprise risk management protocols.

FSRs summarize Demotech’s opinion of the financial stability of a public entity pool regardless of general economic conditions or the phase of the underwriting cycle. FSRs are based upon financial data and a review of critical facets of operations.

About Colorado Special Districts Property and Liability Pool

The Colorado Special Districts Property and Liability Pool was formed in 1988 when many districts could not get coverage and/or could not afford the high rates. Unlike traditional insurance companies, the Pool is an organization whose sole purpose is to provide services and insurance coverage to Colorado’s special districts. Pool Members purchasing insurance while concurrently investing in a long term strategy to control and reduce future insurance expense.

Since 1988, the Pool has grown to 1,693 members participating in the Property & Liability and Workers’ Compensation programs as of December 31, 2019. For more information on joining the Pool, visit or contact the Pool toll free at 1-800-318-8870.

About Demotech, Inc.

Demotech, Inc. is a financial analysis firm specializing in evaluating the financial stability of regional and specialty insurers. Since 1985, Demotech has served the insurance industry by assigning accurate, reliable and proven Financial Stability Ratings® (FSRs) for Property & Casualty insurers, public entity pools, and Title underwriters. FSRs are a leading indicator of financial stability, providing an objective baseline of the future solvency of a public entity pool. Demotech’s philosophy is to evaluate insurers based on their area of focus and execution of their business model rather than solely on financial size. Visit for information.

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