Steady As She Goes, the Title Industry Sees Minor Improvement
Columbus, Ohio – April 23, 2012: The Title insurance industry’s 2011 financial results are largely unchanged from 2010. Written Premiums were basically flat with minor improvements in expenses, yielding a higher Operating Gain before Losses. Losses Incurred also remained steady, allowing underwriters to increase reserve levels and policyholder surplus, thus strengthening their stability.
The industry also continued its run of consolidations in 2011 as six underwriters ceased writing business. This trend could be reversed in 2012 as economic pressures ease on the existing underwriters and new underwriters like First National Title Insurance Company enter the market.
Demotech, Inc. presents financial information on Title underwriters in Demotech Performance of Title Insurance Companies – available by March 2012. The 2012 Edition has been expanded to include new online reports for subscribers as well as an Industry Level Dashboard.
The online reports will supplement data printed in the book. Subscriber feedback has been used to develop new metrics for analyzing market share and underwriter position. The first supplemental report this year will focus on marketshare based on policy counts. The printed edition will still present marketshare based on premium volume.
Title Industry Information and Analysis
Demotech Performance of Title Insurance Companies is the most complete and thorough industry analysis available. The 2012 Edition of Demotech Performance of Title Insurance Companies presents year-end 2011 Title industry results with over 400 pages of financial detail and reports. The 2012 Edition can be ordered now by contacting Demotech at (800) 354-7207 or visiting