Demotech Comments on First Protective and Fidelity Fire & Casualty Merger
Columbus, Ohio, May 6, 2015: Effective April 1, 2015, Fidelity Fire & Casualty Company has merged with First Protective Insurance Company. As First Protective Insurance Company and Fidelity Fire & Casualty Company had both earned Financial Stability Ratings® (FSRs) of A, Exceptional, from Demotech, Inc., the FSR assigned to First Protective Insurance Company, the surviving entity, of A, Exceptional, has been affirmed.
Leman Porter, President of Frontline Insurance, commented, “This merger results in one larger, efficient company, and requires no action by Fidelity Fire & Casualty policyholders.”
According to Demotech’s President, Joseph L. Petrelli, “The companies within the Frontline Insurance brand are excellent to work with. Streamlining operations through a merger should result in a seamless transition for their insureds.”
About First Protective
First Protective Insurance Company operates under the trade name Frontline Homeowners Insurance. First Protective writes Property and Casualty lines from its office in Lake Mary, Florida.
About Demotech, Inc.
Demotech, Inc. is a financial analysis firm located in Columbus, Ohio. Since 1985, Demotech, Inc. has been serving the insurance industry by providing actuarial consulting as well as accurate and proven Financial Stability Ratings® (FSRs) for Property & Casualty insurance companies and Title underwriters. FSRs are a leading indicator of the financial stability of an insurer. Our rating process provides an objective baseline as well as insight as to the financial stability of an insurer. Demotech levels the playing field by offering FSRs to insurers of all sizes.