Demotech: Drawing Strong, Straight Lines in the Complex Grid…with Fidelity to Facts.
Joe Petrelli Looks at the Rating’s “Game”
For a man who deals in complexities, Joe Petrelli’s life has been a straight line to success. Born and raised in Rochester, New York, he graduated from The College of Insurance and had his first full-time job in Syracuse, New York. Joe earned a Masters of Business Administration from The Ohio State University in 1986, having earned membership in the Casualty Actuarial Society, American Academy of Actuaries and Conference of Consulting Actuaries previously.
After several years at the Insurance Services Office in a work-study program, four years at Agway Insurance Company in Syracuse, he moved to Columbus, Ohio in 1978 to work for Nationwide Mutual and after two years at Nationwide, he became a consulting actuary in June 1980.
In the fall of 1985, Joseph and Sharon Romano Petrelli formed Demotech, Inc. Today, the country’s second largest rating agency by client count in the US, and, according to a Florida State University study, an accurate and reliable service.
Insurance Advocate held a Q & A with Joe and Sharon in New Paltz, N.Y. after the 2012 NYIA Annual Meeting.
Access the interview that appeared in Insurance Advocate by clicking here.